It's long past time Kansas City invested in its poorest neighborhoods, and YOU can make it happen. On April 4, residents of Kansas City, Missouri, will vote on a 1/8 cent sales tax that will garner about $8.5 million per year to benefit the central city (specifically 9th to Gregory, and Paseo to Indiana).

This measure is Question 4 on the ballot, the "Central City Economic Development Sales Tax," also called the One City initiative. (See the entire ballot here.)

The funds will be used for economic development such as restaurants, stores, public plazas, housing, street lighting, gunfire detection technology, and so on. Development will create jobs, reduce crime, and renew blighted neighborhoods.

If you are a KCMO resident, we are asking you to vote YES on Question 4 on April 4. If you are a registered voter, find your polling location here

Not a KCMO resident or missed the registration deadline? You can still help! We need to spread the word far and wide. Share CCO's social media posts on Question 4, such as these on Twitter and Facebook. Use email, phone calls, social media, and in-person conversations to tell friends and family in KCMO to get to the polls on April 4 and vote Yes on Question 4.

These disadvantaged neighborhoods, left to rot after white flight and today dominated by people of color, have waited long enough to get the same government attention more prosperous -- and less diverse -- areas of the city have long enjoyed. We must finally recognize that we are One City, and find a new spirit of solidarity with and service to all Kansas Citians.

Thank you for your support of this effort, and have a great week!