Wow. It's a busy time at CCO, and things are just getting started. First, some acknowledgements.

A special thank you to all who came in last week to share your healthcare story with two members of Senator Roy Blunt's staff. It was an emotional, powerful moment that demonstrated the unbreakable human spirit in the face of injustice, struggle, and tragedy. None in attendance will soon forget it. Check out and share the stories on Facebook, as well as photos from the event

Another thank you is owed to all who joined us for phonebanking against the American Health Care Act (AHCA) last week. It's because of pressure like this from across the nation that senators are hesitating to support this bill. It's because of your efforts that the bill hasn't been rushed through.


But we cannot stop now. We have to keep calling. Contact Missouri Senator Roy Blunt (202-224-5721), Kansas Senator Jerry Moran (202-224-6521), and Kansas Senator Pat Roberts (202-224-4774) to let your opinion on the AHCA be heard. Together we can stop drastic cuts to Medicaid, preserve the subsidies that make healthcare plans affordable for tens of millions of people, and save the elderly and folks with pre-existing conditions from being overcharged by insurance giants.


The voter registration deadline is Wednesday! On August 8, Kansas City, Missouri, will vote on a $15 minimum wage. Voting YES on Question 3 will enact a $10 minimum wage right away and give working families a raise each year until the minimum wage reaches $15 per hour in 2022. Voter registration is due by Wednesday, July 12.

Be sure you register to vote today if you live in KCMO.

Thank you, as well, to those who attended the "Rally For A Living Wage" last week! A second rally will be held just before the vote.


Phonebank for $15! We will be phonebanking to get out the vote starting this upcomingThursday (July 13, 5pm-8pm), Friday (July 14, 11am-2pm), and Saturday (July 15, 10am-1pm). It will take place at the CCO office (2400 Troost Avenue, KCMO, suite 4600). Please join us! Expect another email with more details shortly.


Live in Johnson County? The JoCo CCO chapter is meeting on Thursday, July 27 at 6pm to discuss how to educate the region on the impact of social conditions like poverty on childhood development. We are meeting at Leawood United Methodist Church, 2915 W. 95th Street, Leawood, KS 66206. RSVP here and share the event on Facebook.  


Have a good weekend!